I thought I'd do my Tuesdays with Dorie post a bit differently this week, just to show you how crazy (and dare we say it...unorganized?) I really am!
It's 9:00 am local time, and I just sat my stick of butter out on the counter to come to room temperature. Yes, I'm quite envious of all you wonderful TWD bakers out there that actually prepare the recipe days, even weeks, ahead of time! I always have good intentions to do so, but 1) life always seems to happen, and 2) I tend to be a pretty big procrastinator.
I had planned on making these on Sunday, but discovered I was out of honey. Yes, I was out of honey. And I discovered this after I had already been to the grocery store. I finally made it back to the store last night. Did I mention that my oldest is home right now? His school has a two hour delay because of the snow. Yes...snow...again. I live in Texas for goodness sake!! I've had my fill of winter weather thankyouverymuch.
So, anyway, I'll be back throughout the day to update my honey-wheat cookie experience. I figure as long as I get them baked and post about it by midnight, it should count, right? ;)
This week's selection was made by Michelle of Flourchild. And be sure to check out the other TWD bakers, most of whom are much more on the ball than I am, I'm sure!
Noon: after two trips to school...one to deliver the child and one to deliver the forgotten backpack and lunchbag, the cookie dough is finally chilling in the fridge! :)
8:00 pm: the cookies are finally baked!! The verdict? Everyone but Sean liked them. He did at least take one bite, so that's something I guess... D was a bit apprehensive of the wheat germ but was pleasantly surprised by the taste. I thought they were good as well. Is this a recipe I'll make often? Probably not, but were indeed good!
Oh, for those of you keeping track, I had to make two more trips to school today. One to pick him up...and then again, when he realized he had forgotten his homework folder...after we had already gotten home. Total: 4 trips to school...

Good Luck!
Have a great day.
I recently found out (was never sure if it was okay) from a chef that you CAN nuke a stick of butter 10-15 seconds to bring it to room temp quickly.