No? Let me help you, then.
That's right. No sugar. How could I have run out of sugar? I was sure there was plenty in the cabinet. But no. Sigh. I could have run back to the store right then, but probably wouldn't have had time to get the cake baked before I had to leave to pick Sean up from camp. So I waited. And waited, until Sean was in Tae Kwon Do class. Lesson learned - double check the pantry for ingredients! I finally got the cake in the oven about 7pm. Ah well...it sure smelled heavenly while baking!!
Since I was ahead of the game, at least a little, I was able to let it set overnight to let the flavors develop, as Dorie suggests in her book. I reluctantly wrapped it in plastic wrap once it cooled (reluctantly because I really wanted to dig in!). Kade and I split a piece this morning. And I realized my lifelong search was over! See, when I was little my grandmother had a friend that would visit a few times a year. She would always bring this delicious banana bread with her. I've always wanted to replicate that bread -- it's been like the holy grail of baking for me -- but I've never found a recipe that was close...until now. If I'd added some pecans to it, and baked it in loaf pans, this would be perfect. So apparently, I've been looking for the wrong thing. I needed to be looking for banana cake, not banana bread. Who knew? Well...now I do!! As you can imagine, this recipe is definitely a keeper for me. :)
You can check out Mary's post, with the recipe, here and be sure to check out what all the other
TWD bakers did with this week's recipe!Enjoy!!
Thanks again for sharing! ;)
Happy baking!