No, this is not some sort of weird April Fool's Day joke. You really are viewing an actual blog post from me! :)
I mentioned before that we've had a lot of changes hit recently, and that we are homeschooling our 9 year old Munchkin. We've been on that adventure for a little over a month and it is going quite well! It is definitely a work in progress and we are certainly learning as we go, but for the most part we are all enjoying it.
During the last month, the Sprout turned 3. Three years old!! Can you believe it? We had his party at home, a Toy Story 3 theme of course.
I had all these grand Martha Stewart-ish plans, but forgot that I'm me, and ran out of time to get them all done. However, I did get some "3" cookies made and decorated and was pretty proud of myself. It was something new for me -- I'd never decorated cookies like that before. I'd always wanted to, I just never had! They may not look perfect, but at least you can tell what they are supposed to be. ;)
The Munchkin even got in on the act. He should have been in bed asleep, but after I discovered him standing there asking if he could help decorate them, how could I turn him down? (this photo was taken with the ipod; it was the closest camera I could find!)
I used the cookie and royal icing recipes from Bridget of Bake at 350. She's got some absolutely amazing cookies on her blog if you haven't checked them out.
We'll be celebrating Squirt's first birthday later this month, and I'm still trying to figure out what theme we'll do for his party.
I've missed blogging, and even though I haven't been around much lately, I do promise that I'm not going anywhere. As soon as we get more of a routine figured out, so I can get in some regularly scheduled baking and writing time, I hope to be back more often! And that's no joke. :)
