Hello, hello, hello! I could babble on about what's been going on lately, or you could just go here and read, so I won't. ;)
Anyway, it's that time of year again, if you can believe it, to start the 12 Weeks of Christmas Cookies, being hosted this year by Brenda of Meal Planning Magic.
Now, we just got running water back temporarily last night, and for real this afternoon, so suffice it to say I haven't exactly had time to whip up a batch of something yummy, take pics and write up a blog post about it, so I'm going to go back in time to last year and remind everyone about one of my favorite holiday cookies, the Chewy Ginger Snaps.
I've already got a list of goodies I want to make for this year's blog hop, and in the meantime enjoy what everyone else has been working hard on!
